Introverts and Extroverts

Please watch the following linked video: "The Power of Introverts", and take some time to think about what Susan Cain is talking about. 

According to the definition that she provides, are you shy, an introvert, an extrovert, an ambivert? Do you feel that this temperament helps or hinders your sociability, creativity, leadership capability, education, and/or potential? How and why do you believe this to be the case? Do you agree or disagree with Cain's assessments and explanations of the introvert-extrovert spectrum and society and education?

Cain has three points to remember: 

  1. Stop the madness for constant group work.
  2. Unplug to have your own revelations.
  3. Take a look at what's inside your own suitcases and why those things are there?

What have you learned from this video? Please share your thoughts.

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