
Everyone harbours some kind of implicit bias or prejudice. We are human, and it is something that we are all susceptible to. Try one of the many Implicit Association Tests (IATs) that are available to take to learn what some of your attitudes and beliefs might be about some of the topics. Upon learning of these attitudes or beliefs that you hold, you will be able to recognize them in yourself and work to change them and become more accepting, rather than more tolerant. This is all part of thinking more critically.

Describe, in detail, an instance of racism that you have experienced. It can be something you experienced directly or indirectly, something you heard or saw, or as simple and insidious as racist jokes or stereotypes. Reflect on how you felt, and how it affected you. Has it had an impact on your life to this point? If so, explain how. If not, speculate as to why you think it has not. These questions may even raise the conversations of male and/or white privilege. Comment on your experience taking one or more of the IATs and what your thoughts are on your own implicit attitudes or beliefs.

*** Now would be a good time to refer to the Blog Evaluation Criteria in the Syllabus – before commenting! ***

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